Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Week 1 down and starting Week 2

Week one of my project is done and I have great news!  I lost those two pounds so I reached my goal for week 1!

Anyone out there doing this with me?  If so, what kind of progress did you make?

Christmas is next week!  Is everyone ready?  I'm not, not by a long shot but this is the norm for me every year so it's not stressful to me.

I want to make my helper a really cool cover for her clothes while she is here working.  Does anyone know where I can get free patterns for one?  My helper Hilda gets stuff all over her clothes and she asked me not to make her wear a uniform.  If I can find some funky fabric I think she wouldn't mind wearing a cover just while she's here.  Any ideas would help!

So long for now!
Okie Girl

Friday, December 3, 2010

A New Goal

So I stopped making New Year's resolutions because I just break them.  How many of us do this to ourselves every year?  Most people that I know do know who you are! :)

Anyway, I've decided to set a new goal for myself since I am now down in the land of yummy food that sticks to your butt after you eat it!

I am typing out my goal for the world to read....I am going to give myself 11 weeks to lose 22 lbs.  That's right, 11 weeks.  That's an average of two pounds per week which is very doable without causing myself pain or depriving myself of food with flavor!

Anyone want to join me?  I'll leave that question out there for anyone to answer.  We can support each other in the process if you so choose to join me in my quest for a smaller butt!

Anyway, I start on Monday, December 6th.  Yes, right in the midst of decadent Christmas goody time.  Luckily I don't live near my mother-in-law who makes the b..e..s..t goodies so it shouldn't be as difficult.  One can still have a little treat if one is careful about how much treat goes in and how many times a treat is enjoyed without killing the goal dead in it's tracks!!!

Does anyone else have a goal?  I told you mine, now you tell me yours! ;)

Okie Girl